you have to check out these gorgeous albums

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So I have been offering these amazing albums for the past 6 months as part of my collections and wanted to share them now that I am the company's exclusive photographer for the area. The clients I have worked with during the past fall were able to see and then fall in love with the dreamy keepsakes. I am happy to say, they are now gracing the homes of many wonderful people in Billings. I was never into selling an album because I hadn't found one that I could get behind, I will only give products to my clients that I would love to have myself, then I went to a workshop in Dallas last spring and had a huge case of love at first sight. It was a moment where light came down and angels sang. This was it, the album that was so unique and luxurious, different than anything I had ever seen, a product that is unlike any other album available to the general public, a product I would be honored to offer my amazing clients, something worthy of their gorgeous pictures and a true treasure for years to come. I know this description is getting nauseating but really when you hold one in your hands and see the quality you can't help but feel the same way. All of the albums and boxes (included with my digital package) are custom hand made products, really could you ask for anything more? This company, The Dream Album is fabulous to work with, I love the owner and am now lucky to call her a friend.

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