Spring Baseball and Soccer

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Friday, June 6, 2014

We love the craziness of the spring around our house,  it is pure chaos with the kids in multiple activities each all at different places during the same time in different parts of town at the same time, but we know that it only lasts for 6-8 weeks and then it is done and back to normal crazy which is a little easier to handle.  How does it all get done? Lots of carpooling, constant running and quick car changes but how can we say no to these cuties when they ask to add spring baseball and soccer in?  They have a great time and everyone once in awhile we get those glorious nights where the weather is perfect and we aren't bundled up in gloves and mittens or under an umbrella, they look over at you and smile and it makes it all worth it.  Another season under our belts... Now bring on the summer! soccerbaseball summer  

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