
Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am very excited to announce a new photography experience for Jana Graham Photography.  I attended a seminar by visionary Jesh de Rox, that blew my mind and made me want to capture something different and unique for my clients.  I always had offered to take a few pictures of just the couple during family sessions and was not surprised when 9 times out of 10 their reply was “yes please, we haven’t had a picture taken together since our wedding.”  Many of these couples had been together for a long time and didn’t have one pic together, often at a family shoot we take the couple pic at the end, a quick, “ok, get together, look like you like each other”. Something was definitely missing, I was yearning for something more genuine.  As I listened to Jesh talk, I had continual “aha” moments.  He moved me to the core.  His suggestion is; why not have pictures of couples beyond the status quo wedding shots, why do we stop celebrating relationships after the ceremony, really relationships should be celebrated later, after we have lived life, had experiences together and grown as a couple. The purpose of the photo session is “to explore photography as a means to celebrate and renew relationships, the emphasis being to create the ideal environment for the couple to experience each other. Instead of taking images of people and trying to make them look happy or in love, he focused on inviting them to a place where they were feeling incredible joy and deep love,  acutely aware of their connection with one another, and then capturing those powerful, genuine expressions.” Through these experiences feelings emerge that have may get lost in the everyday hustle and bustle, this gives you as a couple the chance to reconnect, remember, heal, explore and find each other, to see each other again for the first time. I came home and told my husband about the idea and the experiential invites that help couples to open up, just in explaining the process to him had us both teary and reconnecting. I am so excited to offer these sessions to couples of all seasons, whether  you have been together for 3 months, 5 years, or 25 years this experience will move you.  How amazing would it be to come home after a hard days work, kids screaming and life running by, you may feel testy, then look over at a canvas on the wall of you and your loved one having a genuine loving moment, you would feel all of that tension melt away and those feelings return.  Is this all serious and deep, no, I promise we will have fun as well, laughter is a huge part of how we connect and share, expect to be silly, laugh, love and reconnect.  Take a look at my first “beloved” session.  I have been incorporating the beloved ideas into engagements, and weddings and had a fantastic time.  (I’ll blog those soon)  I can’t wait to do more “beloved” sessions, these are amazing!

1 response to ““Beloved””

  1. Kim says:

    Jana, these are breath and heart stopping…you have an amazing gift of capturing love, whether between couples or kids.